Beginner's Guide

How to Promote Your Blog? (14 Proven Techniques)

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Want to know the secrets of how to promote your blog? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place!

Having a blog is really cool! But having a great number of visitors and ranking high in search engines is the best experience. 

However, every blogger’s nightmare is when no one’s showing up in your blog post. That’s where marketing techniques to promote your blogs come in handy. 

And there are tons of marketing techniques you’ll find to promote your blog. And it can be overwhelming to choose the best ones. 

But not to worry, this guide will tell you everything on how to promote your blog like a pro with proven techniques. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s make your blog the talk of the town!

Importance of Blog Promotion

Before going through the list of blog promotion techniques, let’s learn why it’s important to promote your blog.

  • With proper promotion techniques, you can attract many visitors. This means increased traffic to your website and more chances of getting noticed by other visitors.
  • When you promote regularly, visitors will see your blog and the quality of your content across various platforms. This will increase the trust and credibility of your blog. 
  • Promoting your blog on social media, and engaging in comments and interaction can build a connection with your visitors. 
  • When you share your blog and get linked back from other websites, it tells search engines that your content is valuable. This helps in improving your blog’s ranking in search engines. 
  • If you monetize from your blog then promotion is crucial. Because it leads to more traffic and can eventually get higher revenue opportunities.

However, you need to be mindful that blog promotion is not a one-time effort, it needs to be an ongoing process. 

Having said that, let’s see how to promote your blog with some proven techniques. 

How to Promote Your Blog? 14 Proven Techniques

Below, we’ve come up with some of the proven techniques on how to promote your blog. Go through them thoroughly. 

1. Social Media Marketing

Social media is the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about promoting anything. Then why not your blog?

But the main question is which platform to choose from, and how to start!

We all have access to most of the social media platforms, right? So, the first thing you need to do after publishing your blog is share it on your social media. It can be Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, just share it everywhere.

Because, the trick here is, the more you share, the more viewers you can get. 

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing

Let’s face it, even we use social media to look for new content and connect with other like-minded people. Isn’t it?

So let’s see how you can optimize your content for social media.

  • Always include eye-catching images or videos
  • Add attention-grabbing headlines for your blog post. 
  • And don’t forget to add social sharing buttons to your posts. 

This will make it easy for your visitors to read and share your blog post. 

Besides, don’t just cling to popular social media sites. You can also look for niche social networks related to your blog topic.

For example, if you want to share something about short fictional stories then, get active on Wattpad.

Some other places to find your niche-related community are Reddit and Quora.

2. Creating Roundup Post

One of the fun ways to make your blog post interesting is to create a roundup post. It’s to put a list of great ideas, tips, expert opinions, etc in your blog post. To do so, you can gather thoughts from various experts on your niche and other popular bloggers.  

Besides, if you share many charts and diagrams about certain topics in your post then you can use them as roundup posts as well. 

For example, if you have tons of charts about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) throughout your different articles then combine them in one post. Afterward, write a short note about each of them. And there you’ve another roundup post. 

  • This will help to keep your visitors engaged with visuals.
  • It may rank for the SEO diagram keywords in search engines.

Also, if you’re writing about something that doesn’t have a single correct answer, then roundup is your way to go. Gathering viewpoints from other experts and bloggers will help the reader to gather a range of perspectives. 

It’s something like a panel discussion that you see in many events.

Tips For Best Roundup Post
Tips For Best Roundup Post

Once you’ve created a roundup post don’t just email the post link. You can share it to your social media handles, grab that link, and send it to your contributors. Ask your contributors to engage with the social post. 

And if they do, this can trigger the social media algorithm and help you get organic traffic as well.

Creating roundup posts is an amazing way to fill your blog with fresh and exciting content. It’s fun, helps you connect with others, and brings more readers to your blog. 

So, go ahead and try making your roundup post!

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing sounds fancy, right? As a blogger, you might have heard about it once or twice and how it helps to make money. But it’s not only about making money, it’s also a great way to get more readers and make your blog post popular.

Joining affiliate programs helps you connect with companies. Sometimes, these companies might share your blog on their social media or website. And this might help you attract their visitors to your blog.

Below is an example image of the affiliate program of Astra Theme.

Astra Affiliate Program Example of Affiliate Marketing
Astra Affiliate Program Example

Additionally, when you recommend any products and ask readers to share their thoughts, it gets them talking. They might leave comments, ask questions, or share your post with their friends. Won’t this make your blog post popular, lively, and fun?

Besides, writing about different products and using related keywords helps your blog appear in search engines. And you know when it appears on search engines, more people will know about your blog. 

Before going for affiliate marketing blindly:

  • Only recommend things that are genuine and you think your readers will love.
  • Be honest and share what you’re recommending and how it helped you.
  • Don’t forget to ask them to share their experience with the products.

Using affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to attract more readers, create awesome content, and make your blog a go-to place. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Creating a website for affiliate marketing, then check our article on the best website builders for affiliate marketing.

4. Collaboration with Other Bloggers

Collaborating with other bloggers is the best way to get your blog in front of new readers. This not only means writing guest posts on others’ blogs. Sure, that’s also a way to go. 

But think about another method like podcasts. As you can see, podcasts are consuming a whole lot of audience these days. If you appear there as a guest and talk about a topic from your blog, then you can attract audiences to your blog post.

Collaborate With Other Bloggers
Collaborate With Other Bloggers

On the podcast, you can share about your blog, the best tips, and insights into your niche. 

Besides, you can go live video sessions with other bloggers in real-time. There you can talk about topics that your audiences love. 

If you’re curious about where to go live, then do it on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. And you can encourage viewers to check out the relevant blog for more insight. 

If you’re creating a website for your podcast then do check our article on the best podcast WordPress themes.

5. Email Marketing

Another way to promote your blog is email marketing. It‘s one of the most effective strategies.

You can start by creating an email newsletter. But, don’t just send the links to your email list. 

First, create an engaging newsletter. Make sure your newsletter provides value and attracts readers to click it. You can include attractive images and unavoidable call-to-actions.

If you want to get more emails on your list, then add opt-in forms to your blog. Like in the image below!

Subscription Form Example
Subscription Form Example

But place them strategically! It can be on your sidebars, at the end of your post, pop-ups but not too much.

However, you need to be careful about your email list, because everyone may not want to see what you send. 

So you need to segment your email list!

How to do it?

Divide your list according to the user:

  • Interests
  • Behaviors
  • Demographics, etc.

After segmenting you can send targeted blog posts and get higher engagement. While sending emails, make sure to add a compelling subject line. So that people want to click it right away. 

Create your email campaign easily using one of these top email marketing services.

6. Internal Linking

Now, let’s talk about a simple trick that can make your blog much better. It’s called internal linking!

You might have heard about this term. It’s when you link your one blog post to another post on your own blog. It’s like creating a thread of connection within your blog. 

For example, if you have a blog post about “healthy recipes” and another about “benefits of eating healthy vegetables,” then link them together. 

This will help your reader find more interesting information on your blog.

Internal linking is important because:

  • It allows readers to read more, and they’ll stay longer if they find your content interesting.
  • Also helps Google understand your blog better and can improve your ranking.
  • Helps readers find related content easily, so they don’t have to search all over your blog.

But there are tricks on how to do internal linking properly. You need to make it look natural and not force on your readers. 

  • Make sure the posts you link are related.
  • Use descriptive anchor text like “best WordPress themes” instead of simple “Click Here.”
  • Few good links will add more value to your content than overdoing it.

So, basically, it’s guiding your readers from one post to another. This will help to increase the number of pages they view on your blog. 

Eventually boosting your blog’s stats and user experience. Ultimately helps your blog to reach new heights!

7. Community Building

Next is community building, it’s a strategy that you should never overlook as a blogger. When you build a community it gathers a group of people who love your blog. 

So these people will visit your blog more often, talk about it with others, and share it. Sounds cool, right?

But how to build a community?

  • First thing, always reply to every comment on your blog post. Because your readers are taking time to comment, you should make time to reply.
  • Make a group like a Facebook group where your readers can join and talk about the topics of your blog. 
  • Also host live Q&A sessions from time to time, so you can answer your reader’s questions. It’s a fun way to connect and show that you care about your readers. 
  • You can also plan events to meet your readers and interact. It can be a local meetup or an online webinar.

This helps people to feel connected to your blog and they will visit more often. Also with comments, shares, and likes, you’ll have an increase in engagement to your blog. 

Hence, it’s important to build a strong community to make your blog successful and popular.

8. Public Speaking at Events

Another fantastic way to promote your blog is public speaking at events. Because when you speak at events, you talk to many people at once. And these people will get to know you and what you care about.

So when you talk about topics related to your blog, they’ll be curious and might check it out. 

Isn’t it a great start to get more visitors?

So look for any local events, conferences, and meetups where people can be interested in your blog topics.

Public Speaking - Marketing Strategies to Promote Blog
Public Speaking – Marketing Strategies to Promote Blog

For example, if you write about WordPress related blog posts, then join WordCamps and meetups across different countries worldwide.

But make sure your topic is interesting and fun! You can use stories, jokes, and real-life examples to keep people engaged. 

Also, you can hand out your business card with your blog address on it. This way people can easily find your blog.

In short, public speaking is a fun and powerful way to promote your blog. It helps you meet new people, share your passion, and grow your community. It’s a win-win situation!

9. Content Repurposing for Different Formats

Ever felt that not many people are reading your content, although you’ve written it perfectly? Well, maybe you’ve not given any thought about content repurposing. 

What is content repurposing?

This means picking your existing content and changing it into different formats. 

Now, you may be curious how it helps.

First thing, different people want to consume the same content in different ways. That’s why bloggers create videos, blog posts, etc of the same content.

This is how you will reach different audiences. Besides, it also saves you time, as you’ll be using the same content. 

Here are some of the ideas for repurposing your content:

  • Creating videos of your detailed blog posts talking about major points in YouTube videos.
  • Take main points from your content then create infographics. 
  • You can break down your post and share it on social media as a series. 
  • You can also create short video series (YouTube Shorts, TikTok, or Instagram Reels.)
  • Create a monthly or weekly newsletter and include key points of your blog post. 
  • Downloadable slides that visitors can use for educational purposes.

This way, your content will have a new life. So next time you write a blog post, give a thought about how you can repurpose it.

10. Consistent Blogging

You have a website and you post a blog once in a while. Well, it ain’t getting you anywhere. Why? Because you’re irregular with your post. 

And even if you have visitors, if they come back to see any new posts, they find that they’re month-old ones. They will definitely opt for other blogs that will post regularly.  

For example, if you look at our blog SiteSaga, you can see a pattern in the publication dates of our articles.

Consistent Blogging Example
Consistent Blogging Example

So consistent blogging is key to making your blog successful and gaining more visitors.

Besides, the more you write, the better you’ll get at it. And writing regularly will help you become a better writer. 

Moreover, search engines like Google love fresh content. So when you post often with proper keywords, then it’s likely your blog will show up in search engines. This helps new readers find your content. 

Now you may want to know how to stay consistent. Well, there are a few easy things you can do:

  • Pick specific days to publish your content.
  • Stick to your schedule. 
  • Make a list of ideas for your blog posts.
  • If you have time, write a few blog posts in advance.

So, remember, consistent blogging is the key to making your blog a successful and lively place for your readers.

11. Use of Search Engine Optimization in Your Blog

SEO is a term that you will hear time and again as a website owner. And if you’re new to this then blog SEO can seem like a complex term. Because you might be afraid of whether Google will pick your blog to rank high on the search engine or not. 

Use Of SEO In Your Blog
Use Of SEO In Your Blog

It’s okay to be overwhelmed at first! But you need to realize that, not only do you need search engines, but search engines also need your fresh and high-quality content. They look for the content that provides the best possible answers to the questions readers are asking for. 

Here’s what you can do:

I) Do Proper Keyword Research

Keywords are the basic element of blog SEO. They can be words or phrases your reader will look for in search engines to get information. 

For example, if you want a recipe for chocolate cake, then the keyword can be “chocolate cake,” “chocolate cake recipe,” etc. 

And if you have a properly ranked blog post about it, then it’ll appear in the search engine. 

To do keyword research, 

  • Think about your main topic as a starter.
  • Then, write down all the words and phrases that come to your mind related to your topic.
  • You can also use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest.

Once you have the list, pick the ones that suit your blog post. Then use those keywords in your blog post title, headings, and throughout the content. 

But be careful, never overuse the keywords. This is called “keyword stuffing.”

Why not use keywords too many times? Because it can affect your SEO. So, use them naturally throughout your blog where they make sense. 

II) Prioritize on User Intent

Your readers are your main goal, not the search engine. Yes, you need to do proper SEO for the search engine to find your content. But, Google’s algorithm has changed now. Today, it’s all about the quality of your content and user intent. 

User Intent
User Intent

So what’s the user intent?

Well, it’s about understanding what users want to find or when they make a search. And, knowing user intent helps you to create content that aligns with what people are looking for. 

There are four main types of user intent:

Types of User IntentExamples
InformationalUsers might search for “how to make pancakes” or “who is the president of the USA.” They are looking for answers and information.
NavigationalUsers might search for “Facebook” or “YouTube.” It’s when they want to go to a specific site. 
TransactionalUsers might search for “buy running shoes” or “best price for iPhone 14.” Here they intend to buy something.
CommercialUsers might search for “best smartphones 2024” or “top WordPress themes.” Here they want to buy something soon but want to do research first.

The easiest way to find what users are looking for is by typing your keyword in Google’s search box. There you’ll see sections like “People also ask” and “Searches related to.” These are most of the questions and problems people are looking for solutions to.

Example of Google's People Also Ask Section
Example of Google’s People Also Ask Section

So, try to address your reader’s challenges better and make your blog post more valuable.

III) Aim for Long and Medium Tail Keywords

Did you know there are different types of keywords you can rank on? Whereas some keywords are very popular and others are more specific. 

And to attract more readers to your blog post, it’s a good idea to aim for long-tail and medium-tail keywords. 

But what are they, and why should you use them?

Well, long-term keywords are long and include specific phrases. Some examples are “best WordPress non-profit organization themes.” This keyword will help you reach the readers who know what they’re looking for. 

Besides, when people type long-tail keywords in search engines, it means they are closer to making decisions or taking action. And if you have a related post ranking on the first page of the search engine, then it’s likely they’ll open it. 

Whereas, medium-tail keywords are 2-3 words long. For example, “WordPress plugins” or “web hosting.” Although these keywords seem specific but not as detailed as the long-tail keywords. 

However, these keywords can help you to attract a good amount of readers without having to compete with specific keywords. 

There are more things to take care of when it comes to SEO optimization, and if we keep writing then it might take forever. So why not check our article on what is SEO for a more detailed guide.

12. Identify and Learn From Your Competitors

As a blogger, it’s natural to start promoting your blog heavily. But take time to ask yourself, “What does your blog offer that others won’t?”

And if you’ve not done that, then start doing it now. Research what other top blogs in your topics are doing. Take notes from them about the topic they choose. Also, analyze their format for different blog posts.

 Always have ready answers to the following questions:

  • What unique things your blog can provide to readers?
  • Set of skills and information you have that others don’t.
  • What new angles can you provide to the already available topic on the internet?
  • Are you leaving behind any topics in your niche that readers are looking for?

Moreover, it’s always a good idea to write about new things that others haven’t yet. 

But if you want to write something already present on the internet then think about a new way to cover it.

Go over those blogs, and look for:

  • What point are they missing?
  • Maybe they are not using enough graphics or the images are poor quality.
  • Can you make a detailed video tutorial of that post?
  • Or write a blog post that’s more detailed than your competitors.

The main point is that you need to create a blog post that offers real benefits to readers who are seeking answers.

And if you successfully do this, then you’re on your way to a blog post that promotes itself. 

13. Initiate a Giveaway Program

You might have come across tons of websites with giveaway banners, posts, and pop-ups on their website. These sites let people participate and win exciting prizes like cool gadgets, discount coupons, etc. 

Well, that’s an awesome strategy to attract visitors to your blog post.

Elegant Themes Giveaway Program Example
Elegant Themes Giveaway Program Example

Why do you want to start a giveaway program? It’s all about promotion!

If you offer giveaways, then your readers will share them with their friends and family or even share them on their social media. This will bring more visitors to your blog post. 

Besides, it’s not only about giving prizes, but it’s also about creating a community. And we already know how community building can help your blog be successful. 

Moreover, when people win prizes from your blog, they’ll talk about it. And happy winners become your biggest cheerleaders. 

So start planning your giveaway events and watch your blog rise to new heights.

14. Reply to Every Comment on Your Blog

As a blogger, getting a fair amount of comments on your post is like receiving an award. 

How to get it?

First thing first, publish only the best-quality content. Your content should be worth commenting on for your readers.

The next, and pretty important step is to reply to those comments. Always make sure to reply as soon as a comment appears on your post.

Although replying to comments can take time and effort. However, it shows that you care about your readers. Just try to reply even if it is just a “Thank You.”

Here we’ll give you an example of a popular SEO blog website like “Backlinko.” As you can see they pretty much reply to most of the comments on their posts. 

Example of Reply to Comments
Example of Reply to Comments

Hence, by responding to every comment, you create a sense of community among your readers. This will make them feel valued and chances are they’ll come back to your site. 

Not just that, it’ll boost engagement eventually improving your post’s SEO, which will contribute to the overall success of your blog.

So now you know how to promote your blog post, it’s time to answer some of your burning questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to see results from promoting my blog?

Results from blog promotion can vary. You might start seeing changes in a few weeks, but significant results often take a few months.

2. How much does it cost to promote a blog?

The cost of promoting a blog varies based on your budget and methods. There are free options like social media and SEO, but paid advertising can range from a few dollars to hundreds or more.

3. Where should I start with promotion for a new blogger?

For new bloggers, start by promoting on social media platforms. You can also engage with other bloggers in your niche, and optimize your content for search engines like Google.

4. How can I tell which promotion techniques are working best for my blog?

To determine which promotion techniques work best for your blog, track key metrics like traffic, engagement, and conversions. Use tools like Google Analytics to analyze the effectiveness of different strategies and adjust accordingly.


Well, that’s all for now! 

In this article, we’ve shown how to promote your blog post.

We hope that this guide helps you to know the secrets of marketing techniques for blogging. If we missed anything, then comment on them.

Moreover, if you’ve any queries or suggestions regarding how to promote your blog for free, then let us know in the comment below. Besides, you can also share your experience of promoting blog posts with us.

You can also check out our complete guide on how to write engaging blog posts and how to improve user experience on your website.

If you like this article, then please share it with your friends and colleagues. 

Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more useful blogging tips like this.

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Written By SiteSaga Editorial
SiteSaga Editorial is a team of highly experienced writers, marketers, and web developers led by Sunita Rai. We're here to help beginners get online with their self-made websites or blogs and succeed.


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