
48 Best Personal Website Examples 2022 + How to Make one

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Best Personal Website Examples for Inspiration

Are you here to find out the best personal website examples? Or, do you want to create your own personal website? Then, you’ve landed on the right page. 

We all know about business websites and eCommerce, but websites don’t necessarily have to be about business. You can also have personal websites, where you can explore your interests, share your feelings. 

Your personal websites can be about anything including hobbies, pets, or any other interests. You can also create a family website sharing your adventures with areas for comments and discussions. If you’re an author, personal websites can be a platform to publish your story, ideas, and get feedback. 

Simply decide what you want to write about and be dedicated to your personal site. For inspiration, we’ve brought together the 48 best personal websites in 2022.

Let’s get started!

Why Do You Need Personal Websites?

A personal website is mainly for informative and entertainment purposes, but can also be used for career marketing. Building and maintaining a personal website is good for your personal data and your career.

Personal Website
Personal Website

Let’s explore the reason why you need a personal website.

i) Gain instant credibility with a personal website:

On your personal website, you can include your work experience and educational qualification. Also, you can add your portfolio or work samples to gain credibility in your industry. Let your website speak for itself. 

ii) Boost your chance of getting a job:

Your personal professional website lets you stand out among competitors. It’ll allow you to display your strength and demonstrate why companies or organizations should hire you. Therefore, it’ll enhance your chance of getting a job.

iii) Freedom to be creative:

A personal website gives you tons of opportunities to get creative. Whether you’re writing your bio or original article, your personality gets to shine through your corner of the internet. Creating a personal website is a better way to display your creativity.

iv) Helps you acquire new skills:

When you start creating your personal website, you’ll get to know what works for you and what doesn’t. Also, you’ll test new ways to deliver your message. In addition, when you realize how to rank on Google, you’ll also learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Hence, gaining more skills will do wonders for your career.

So, now you know the importance of having a personal website. And you might be thinking of creating one for yourself. 

We’ve also mentioned how to build a personal website at the end of this article.

But before that, let’s get inspired by checking out some of the successful and awesome personal website examples.

48 Best Personal Websites Examples in 2022

Let’s take a look at some of the best personal website examples. There are many amazing websites and it’s hard to cover all of them. So, we’ve tried to list the best personal websites based on their popularity. 

Let’s get started.

Personal Portfolio & Resume Website Examples      

1. Elizabeth Gilbert 

Elizabeth-Gilbert best personal website

Elizabeth Gilbert is a popular writer best known for her book ‘Eat, Pray, Love’. She has a personal website where you can find information about her books, events, news, and her bio. You’ll also find social media in a navigation menu at the top of her page. 

In addition, this website provides you different platforms to purchase her books such as Amazon, Barnes, and Noble, etc. 

  • What can you find here: Biography of Elizabeth Gilbert and information about her books.
  • Target Audience: Book lovers.
  • Facebook: Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Twitter: @GilbertLiz

2. John Green Books

Jonh-Green-Book-Website personal website examples

John Green is the New York Times best-selling author. He’s best known for his books ‘Looking for Alaska, ‘An Abundance of Katherines’ and more. On his portfolio website, you’ll find about his achievements and newly published books.

The website has readable typography and good use of the color scheme for a better user experience. He also embeds a few of his youtube videos about his new book. Moreover, he has made good use of call-to-action without making it look too promotional. 

  • What can you find here: Portfolio of John Green, information about his Books, podcasts, and blog.
  • Target Audience: Novel fans.

3. Verena Michelisth 

Verena-Michelitch-Website best personal blogs

Verena Michelisth’s portfolio website is fully jam-packed with art. She displays various colors, styles, and dimensions where visitors can see the range she possesses as a designer. Also, you’ll find the huge library of her work without any use of pixels on this website. 

4. Tristan Harris   

Tristan-Harris-Website best personal blog websites

Tristan Harris is a co-founder of the Center of Humane Technology. He is also the Co-Host of the ‘Your Undivided Attention’ podcast. His personal website is a platform to collect and display press coverage, and podcasts.

On his website, you’ll also find his detailed bio, achievements, and experiences. In addition, he places a headshot of himself with a short sentence to help explain his driving force.  

  • What can you find here: Biography of Tristan Harris, his podcasts, and press coverage.
  • Target Audience: Young technology enthusiasts. 
  • Twitter: @Tristan Harris
  • Linkedin: Tristan Harris

5. The Beast is Back

The-Beast-is-Back-Website personal portfolio website

Christopher Lee is the author of the website The Beast is Back. He is a multidisciplinary designer and illustrator. His website is a colorful and busy gallery-style portfolio website.

Lee displays his toy designs in a fun and vibrant way on this website. The Beast is Back is a brand name where he emphasizes brands like Mario and Target. You’ll also find a link to buy his work on his website.

  • What can you find here: Portfolio of Christopher Lee, online shop, and blog.
  • Target Audience: Children and Parents.
  • Instagram: The Beast is Back
  • Twitter: @thebeast_isback

6. Hank Green

Hank-Green-Website personal resume websites

Hank Green is one of the internet celebrities, also a science communicator, video creator, and entrepreneur. On his personal website, he displays different things he has done with a bit of humor. For instance, his website displays his best-selling book and the link of platforms to buy it.

In addition, you’ll find a subscription button at the bottom of the page to get his newsletters. 

  • What can you find here: Information about his Books and his Biography.
  • Target Audience: Students.
  • Facebook: Hank Green
  • Instagram: Hank Green

7. Jessica Hische 

Jessica-Hische-Website personal portfolio website

Jessica Hische is an artist and author of the New York Times Best-selling ‘Tomorrow I’ll Be Brave’. On her portfolio website, she covers a wide range of topics in very approachable terms. From formal models of letter construction to software suggestions and decorative shadings.

Plus on her website, her achievements and experiences are perfectly displayed. Also, you’ll find an online shop on her website to buy her books.

  • What can you find here: Jessica Hische’s letter art, logo designs.
  • Target Audience: Artists, and Designers.

8. Brandon Johnson


Brandon Jonson is an associate professor in the Department of Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Science at Purdue University. He has a resume website where you’ll find his work experience and achievements. Also, the use of animation makes his resume an experienced one rather than a document.

Besides, an awesome photo of the planet in the background complements his website about planetary science. However, the use of textured and multilayered background gives this two-dimensional page some depth in terms of design.       

  • What can you find here: Information about Geology and Crater formation.
  • Target Audience: Geology and Astronomy students and enthusiasts.

9. Quinnton Harris  

Quinnton-Harris-Website awesome personal websites

Quinnton Harris tells his personal story and displays his resume on his website He includes every basic thing of a resume and covers all of his educational background, work experience, and skills on his website. He’s also a co-founder of experimental studios that works with small-to-large size companies.

Moreover, at the navigational point, you’ll find some scrolling circles on the left-hand side of the page. The last circle link redirects visitors to where he tells the details of his story. 

  • What can you find here: Biography of Quinnton Harris and Resume. 
  • Target Audience: Designer, Business enthusiasts, and Minority audiences.

10. Adam Hartwig

Adam Hartwig Website personal websites section

Adam Hartwig is a web designer and developer. His personal website is a fun and interactive portfolio website. On his website, you can also find an example of his work.

Moreover, you can rollover the text to change the design. Also, if you click on Skills, you’ll find his skills displayed in an interactive way with a fun animation of the solar system.

  • What can you find here: Portfolio of Adam Hartwig.
  • Target Audience: Designers and Creators.
  • Twitter: @Adam Hartwig

11. Natsai Audrey

Natsai-Audrey-Website good personal websites

Natsai Audrey Chieza is a member of the Global Future Council on Synthetic Biology. It’s a project focused on contextualizing the global shifts and providing guidance on major issues. She has a personal website of, that launches her full-screen portrait, with name and specialties.

Her website features both her brand and her multidisciplinary design website Faber Futures. Also, the homepage includes more detailed information about her work. Moreover, visitors can watch Natsai’s TED talk that’s embedded on a website. 

  • What can you find here: Motivation and advice on life science and Natsai Audrey’s biography.
  • Target Audience: General public.
  • Instagram: Natsai Audrey
  • Twitter: @NatsaiAudrey

12. Josh Kaufman    


Josh Kaufman is a best-selling author who writes books about business and skill acquisition. His personal website displays his achievements and work experiences. On his websites’ homepage, you’ll also find a subscription button which you can unsubscribe at any time.

In addition, you’ll also get redirected towards a site to buy books or listen to his audiobooks. 

  • What can you find here: Books on business, entrepreneurship, skill aquisition, creativity, and more.
  • Target Audience: Businessman and Entrepreneurs.

13. Al Kavadlo 

AL-Kavadlo-Website personal profile websites example

Al Kavadlo is a fitness enthusiast known for his gravity-defying calisthenics and gymnastics. On his personal website, you’ll find his in-person workshop and youtube videos.

His website is a black and yellow color scheme similar to caution tape and gritty fonts to show his individuality. in his website you can find his books on fitness advice like ‘Get Strong’, ‘Convict conditioning’, and more.

  • What can you find here: Useful advice and books about fitness.
  • Target Audience: People seeking a fit and healthy life.
  • Facebook: AlKavadlo
  • Twitter: @AlKavadlo

14. Melanie Daveid     

Melaine-daveid-Website personal websites templates

Melanie Daveid is a User Interface Designer and art director. Her website is one of the best personal websites. It displays Daveid’s clear and well-branded imagery of strategies and apps she worked on.

On her website, you’ll find only a few examples of her work. On the other hand, she turns her personal website into service by adding her best and most significant campaigns. 

  • What can you find here: Portfolio and resume of Melanie Daveid.
  • Target Audience: Designers and creators.
  • Twitter: @Melanie Daveid
  • Instagram: Melanie Daveid

15. Albino Tonnina

Albino-Tonnina-Website professional website

Albino Tonnina is a self-taught web engineer. On his personal website, if you follow the direction to scroll down, you’ll see the website be built before your eyes. Also, you’ll get to learn about his story and can find his contact information as well. 

  • What can you find here: Portfolio and work experience of Albino Tonnina.
  • Target Audience: Coders and Technology enthusiasts.
  • Linkedin: Albino Tonnina
  • Twitter: @albinotonnina

16. Ryan Holiday

Ryan-Hoilday-Website best personal development websites

Ryan Holiday is a best-selling author of ‘Trust Me, I’m Lying’, and also a media strategist. On his portfolio website, you can find his work experience and achievements.

He has made good use of call-to-action without making it look too much of a promotion. You can also find the ‘subscribe me’ button on the top bar on his website to get his article in your inbox.

  • What can you find here: Portfolio of Ryan Holiday, and his Blogs on writing books.  
  • Target Audience: Entrepreneurs.
  • Facebook: Ryan Holiday
  • Twitter: @RyanHoliday

Best Personal Blog Website Examples

17. Kristi Hines


Kristi Hines is a freelance content writer and marketing professional. She has a personal blog website On this website, she managed to make examples of her writing work visual with the help of a variety of content.

In addition, you’ll find useful tips on marketing research, affiliate programs, freelance writing, and more on her website. Also, her personal experience adds credibility to her suggestions. 

18. Matt Mullenweg  

Matt-Mullenweg-Website fundraising websites

Matt Mullenweg is a founding developer of WordPress. He has a personal website of where he displays his work experience. On his website, you can find his podcasts, press release, and speeches.

Moreover, there’s a section on the website “Work With Us” where interested and qualified individuals can apply.

  • Highlighted Topic: Startups and Entrepreneurship. 
  • Popular Articles: Unlucky in Cards.

19. Everywheriest

Everywheriest-Website personal websites idea

Geraldine DeRuiter is an acclaimed author and renowned public speaker. is her personal travel website where you can find about her travel and work. Also, you’ll find the information to buy her book about travel and adventure.

With the help of globe iconography, browsers can move around the site allowing them to discover sections beyond the blog. Geraldine also provides a ‘Best of’ section that allows new browsers to know what the blog is about. The website’s dominant color is warm, neutral without access to clutter. 

20. Mr. Money Mustache


Mr. Money Mustache is a retired engineer, who writes about living a frugal life of leisure. His website is a financial blog that gives advice on living a better life. This blog provides core insights into money management even for a layperson. Moreover, his personal experiences add credibility to his advice.

Also, visitors can get right into his content by clicking on the navigation links around the logo. 

21. Seth’s Blog

Seth's-Blog- personal-websites

Seth Godin is a teacher and an author of ‘The practice’ and ‘This is Marketing. His personal blog website Seth’ where he writes about marketing strategies and display his podcasts.

In his website you’ll Seth Godin with the big subscribe button on the bottom left corner. That’s the most important action he wants his browsers to take. Also, it’s a great website that organizes everything perfectly and not trying to be something it’s not. Moreover, his content also enhances his branding efficiently.  

22. Binging With Babish

Binging-with-Babish-Website personal cooking websites

Andrew Rea is one part chef, one part filmmaker, and a YouTuber. He has a personal blog website where you can find recipes and cookbooks. He’s also a creator of the YouTube cooking show Binging With Babish.

He rarely uses his real name in his videos, but on jis his website, he displays perfect personal branding. Also, his photo displayed on this website perfectly shows that he’s a fun, casual, and cool person.

23. KafleG

KafleG-Website good personal websites

Ganga Kafle is a theme developer and the author of website It’s a personal website with minimal and light themes so it focuses on reading. The typography used in this website is easy to read.

In addition, the character spacing, line spacing, and paragraph spacing are perfect for reading and keeps viewers engaged. The website consists of only a handful of colors (mostly white) which gives it an essence of a book reading experience.

Best Personal Podcasting Websites Examples

24. Tim Ferris

Tim-Ferris-Website personal podcasters websites

Tim Ferris is a technology investor and advisor, also an author of New York Times best-selling books. He has a personal podcasting website, where you can find his best podcasts on business and interview.

He’s also best at promoting, for instance, a bigger header and “click to listen” are the effective ones. Moreover, main menu navigations take his browsers to his books, podcasts, and shows. Also, the huge overlay is used to get more newsletter subscribers. 

  • Topics Covered: Information and podcasts on Automation, Gadgets, and Marketing.
  • Platform to listen to Podcast: Apple Podcast, Spotify, Overcast.
  • Twitter: @Tim Ferris

25. Amy Porterfield

Amy-potterfield-Website beautiful personal websites

Amy Porterfield is a best-selling marketing courses podcaster. Her podcasting website covers the guide for highly-engaged email lists, creating online training courses. Also, she guides entrepreneurs and educators about online marketing strategies.

In addition, you can find the audio record of her latest podcast at the top of her website. Plus, you can get access to her best-selling marketing courses through email. 

  • Topics Covered: Online courses for marketing strategies.
  • Platform to listen to Podcast: Apple Podcast, Spotify, Overcast.
  • Facebook: AmyPorterfield
  • Twitter: @AmyPorterfield

Best Personal Brand & Business Website Examples

26. Neil Patel

Neil-patel-Website personal online marketing websites

Neil Patel is a New York Bestselling author and top influencer on web. His website is also one of the best personal website examples. He had built a marketing empire based on his website.

On his website, you’ll find well-organized, informative, and in-depth content. The overall design of his website is clear and doesn’t get in the way of user experience.

  • Services and Products: SEO Consultation and online marketing advisor.
  • Twitter: @neilpatel
  • Facebook: Neil Patel

27. Smart Passive Income

Smart-Passive-income-Website best personal finance websites

Pat Flynn is a self-learned online business strategist. His personal website provides financial advice for anyone who wants to run their own business. He also provides courses on growing business for online entrepreneurs.

On website’s homepage, you’ll precisely get to know who creates the content and the mission of content he’s providing. Also, it offers a unique navigational feature, organized by the viewer’s goal rather than by subject. 

  • Services and Products: Financial Consultation and online business advices.
  • Twitter: @PatFlynn

28. Side Hustle Nation


Nick Loper is the author of his business blog He also runs a business podcast featuring ideas and actions to start and grow a business. His friendly content is targeted to a single goal that is financial freedom.

This website provides a wide range of valuable financial advice for solo business owners. Also, the green call to action (CTA) “Start Here” button makes it easy for new readers to navigate a website.

29. Penelope


Penelope Trunk is a full time writer and provides career advice. Her personal brand website that displays her work and experiences. Also, you’ll find valuable courses on writing a blog, relationships, personality consultant, and more.

Her website is clean and minimal. In addition, you can also take the personality test, which adds more user interaction to her site. 

  • Services and Products: Consultation and Courses on personality, relationships, life and more. 

30. Charlie Waite


Charlie Waite is an established world’s leading landscape photographer. He has a personal website that displays his photography in sleak and simple design. Whereas, his screenshot shares the love of him being a parent and the delight in his life.

Also, the website’s color expresses the excitement indicating the detail that the designer should have. 

31. Ali Abdaal

Ali-Abdaaal-websites personal development websites

Ali Abdaal is a doctor, who also makes YouTube videos and podcasts about productivity and personal developments. His personal website has a clean, simple design that uses emojis in a stylish way.

Although his site is full of content but still makes it easier for visitors to find who he is and what he does. He also regularly writes blogs on his website and his content complements his personal brands. 

  • Services and Products: Video and Audio Courses on productivity, Video Editing and more.
  • Twitter: @AliAbdaal
  • Facebook: Ali Abdaal

32. April Dunford

April-Dunford-Website personal professional websites

April Dunford is a consultant and motivating speaker on marketing and sales. She has a portfolio website, where you’ll find her work, and consultant courses. She specializes in providing marketing and business strategies to companies.

Her book “Obviously Awesome” is popular among entrepreneurs and business holders. She also writes blog articles related to business and marketing. Her website is very slick-looking and professional. On her website, you can find advice on positioning classes for various business.

  • Services and Products: Business Consultation and Courses. 
  • Twitter: @aprildunford

33. Jasmine Star


Jasmine Star is a photographer and a business, marketing, and branding strategist. She has a website which is popular personal branding and marketing site. she’s also been voted as a Top 10 wedding photographer in the world.

However, the goal of this website is to help creative entrepreneurs build their dream businesses. You’ll also find tons of guides on her homepage to promote your business on social media.

34. Andy Raskin

Andy-Raskin-Website business strategiest personal websites

Andy Raskin is a marketing and business strategist. His portfolio website of displays his work and achievements. He proudly shows the testimonials of many people from reputed companies that he has worked with.

This is a single-page website with minimal design. Also, the contact section consists of the email and social media handles of the author. 

35. Nia Shanks


Nia Shank is a fitness coach, author of ‘Lift Like a Girl’ and ‘The 100-Day Reclaim’. She has a personal website which is beautiful, clean, and of minimal style. also, she helps women achieve their goals with sustainable health ad fitness styles.

The headline of this website is direct and targeted that conveys value and information promptly. Moreover, she uses the top navigation to take new visitors in the right direction for whatever they want to view. 

  • Services and Products: Books and Courses on fitness and sustainable lifestyle.
  • Facebook: Nia Shanks
  • Twitter: @NiaShanks

36. I Will Teach You to be Rich

I-will-Teach-You-tO-be-Ricj-Websites finance advisor personal websites

Ramit Sethi is an author of New York Times bestseller ‘I Will Teach You To Be Rich’. He has a website that offers financial guides and advice.

The site offers blogs related to productivity, money, and business. Also, there are few available free resources and podcasts. In addition, you can get hos advice, straight to your inbox via signing up for the newsletter.

37. Simon Sinek


Simon Sinek is a motivational speaker and author of best-selling books ‘Start With Why’, ‘Leaders Eat Last’ and more. His is a brilliant design personal website. He provides live online classes on leadership and runs podcast ‘a bit of Optimisim’.

He made good use of white space and the typography is clean with eye-catching colors. Also, the buttons on the top right of the site are the best example of call-to-action (CTA). You’ll find a wide range of content on his website and various initiatives he’ll be promoting.

38. Marie Forleo


Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist. Her website is a personal website that provides advice on business and lifestyle. She also runs an award-winning show MarieTV and world-class training programs on successful lifestyles.

Through her website, she provides several online courses on business practices. The shop section consists of a book “Make Every Man Want You” as both audio and printed copy. You can also find success stories of her user on her website.

  • Services and Products: Books and Online Courses.
  • Instagram: Marie Forleo

39. Gala Darling


Gala Darling is a bestselling author, a speaker, and professional optimist. Her personal brand website is mainly focused on Fashion and Lifestyle. The main aim of the author is to spread optimism and a better way of life through her website.

Also, her website consists of blogs discussing Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle through a vibrant design. You’ll also buy her books on relationships and lifestyle from the website.

40. Charli Marie


Charlie Marie is a web designer and a creative director at ConvertKit. She has a portfolio website where she also offers a font that she created herself. She is also a YouTuber and runs podcasts sharing advice and insights into life.

Along with her active blog about her career path and topic-related design, she also embeds a few of her YouTube videos. You’ll not find a gallery of her work, but a link to her Dribble account to check her creative works. 

41. Gary Vaynerchuk


Gary Vaynerchuk is an entrepreneur, podcaster, and CEO of the full-service digital agency VaynerMedia. He also has a website that features his books, blogs and podcasts.

In this website, he features a video on the front page, addressing his entire company in his authoritative, inspiring style. In addition, his website allows visitors to connect with him through nearly all social media platforms.

  • Services and Products: Books on lesson and inspiration on corporate path.
  • Facebook: Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Instagram: garyvee

42. Tim Harford


Tim Harford is an economist, journalist, and a broadcaster. His personal brand website takes its viewers to the main column where the content is the point. He’s also author of “How To Make the World Add Up”, “the Undercover Economist” and more.

His website redirects its visitors to his books using call-to-action (CTA). You’ll not be overwhelmed by banners everywhere that emphasize making a purchase. Hence, Tim makes his website content-driven and lets the visitors be well aware of his work. 

Personal Biography Website Examples of Famous People

43. Katy Perry

Katy-Perry-Websites personal websites for famous people

Katy Perry is an American singer, songwriter, and television judge. Her biography website displays her music, concert location and time.

This website is designed using flashy and vibrant colors to bring a sense of friendliness. Also, she shares her social media and audio platforms for access to her music. The shop section on the site redirects you to her in-house merch, perfume, and clothing store.

  • Available content: Music, Video, Live Shows, and Merchandise.
  • Facebook: Katy Perry
  • Twitter: @katyperry

44. JK Rowling


Joanne Rowling is an author, philanthropist, film producer, and screenwriter. This is her portfolio website where you can find her writings and news. She’s best known for writing the Harry Potter fantasy series.

The landing page of the website is beautiful which gives us a close look at a writer’s table. Moreover, her popular book “Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them” is showcased on the home page. Also, the website provides social media handles to get in touch. 

45. Leonardo DiCaprio


Leonardo DiCaprio is an award-winning actor. This is the biography website where you’ll get to know about his career path. He’s also a three-time Academy Award nominee.

The website is visually appealing and image-rich. The landing page has a slider with his most iconic movie posters and award-winning moments.

  • Available content: Biography, Video, and Articles about Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • Facebook: Leonardo DiCaprio

46. David Beckham


David Beckham is a former professional football player and a philanthropist. His biography website displays his early life, a journey as a player, and his experiences. He’s the current president of Inter Miami CF and co-owner of Salford City football club.

The website has an intro video showing his career achievements. There’s also a section that shares information about the club he’s involved with. 

Other Types of Personal Websites Examples 

47. Coffee Table


Tobia Reich is a web designer and developer. He has a review website where he writes about the coffee he has tasted and reviews it with the owner.

He uses a black and yellow color scheme, with bold typography, and subtle gradients on his website. If you navigate to his portfolio menu, you’ll also learn about the projects he worked on. 

  • What can you find here: Varieties of coffee review and their recipes. 
  • Instagram: electerious
  • Twitter: @electerious

48. Tony D’Orio 

Tony-D'Orio-Website personal photography websites

Tony D’Orio is a professional photographer. he has a portfolio website TonyD’ displaying his works and awards. He’s also won many awards like American Photography, Cannes Advertising, Andy Awards, and more.

On this website, the logo and navigation menu is very clear and separated from his work. Also, his potential customers can download his work without having to pay. In addition, simply go to the menu in the left corner, choose to create a pdf, and choose as many photos to download. 

How to Create a Personal Website? (Step-by-Step)

Building a website doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive, time-consuming, and complicated. 

There are varieties of website builders that are designed to help you build an amazing website in no time. For instance, Shopify,, Wix, Squarespace,, and more. However, choosing a platform and learning how to customize everything as you desire is the hardest part. 

Well, our recommendation is It’s a free open-source platform that’s easy to use with features like availability, cost efficiency, and users’ review. Moreover, it’s a self-hosted platform and lets you choose a domain name and host by yourself. 

WordPress allows you to create any type of website you can imagine. Also, you’ll have access to both free and premium themes and plugins for all types of websites. 

So, we recommend you to use WordPress as a platform for building your website. And, we’ve created a complete guide for that!


Let’s wrap up. So, this is the list of best personal websites examples that you can learn from if you want to create one. 

We hope this article is helpful to make you understand the types of personal websites. We’re sure that you can create personal and professional websites on your own, following our step-by-step guide. 

Also, if you want to learn the detailed guide to creating a website, then check our article on how to make a website.  

However, if you still have confusion or need help regarding personal websites. Then feel free to comment below. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 

You can also check our article on the best personal website WordPress themes and how to speed up your website.  

If you like this article, then please share it with your friends. 

Lastly, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more useful articles. 

Written By SiteSaga Editorial
SiteSaga Editorial is a team of highly experienced writers, marketers, and web developers led by Sunita Rai. We're here to help beginners get online with their self-made websites or blogs and succeed.


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